bushes bushes

Małgorzata Płysa

Image of Małgorzata Płysa

Małgorzata Płysa is the co-director and curator of Unsound Festival – international festival of electronic and experimental music and art (since 2007) with the main edition in Kraków, Poland and satellite events in Warsaw, New York, Toronto, Adelaide, London and many more. Unsound is known for its interdisciplinary approach – fostering new collaborations and commissions of upcoming and innovative artists. Her interests lie in contemporary music, art, technology, and research in synesthesia. Recipient of the prestigious Polish Polityka’s Passport award. She has been a jury member of the Prix Ars Electronica for music and ZKM Giga-Hertz Prize, among others.

Image of Małgorzata Płysa

Wszyscy mentorzy

  1. Przejdź do artysty Alessia Avallone Image of Alessia Avallone

    Alessia Avallone

  2. Przejdź do artysty Brandon Rosenbluth Image of Brandon Rosenbluth

    Brandon Rosenbluth

  3. Przejdź do artysty Ecology of Care Image of Ecology of Care

    Ecology of Care

  4. Przejdź do artysty Edka Jarząb Image of Edka Jarząb

    Edka Jarząb

  5. Przejdź do artysty Greg Menendez Image of Greg Menendez

    Greg Menendez

  6. Przejdź do artysty James Ginzburg Image of James Ginzburg

    James Ginzburg

  7. Przejdź do artysty Kat Zavada Image of Kat Zavada

    Kat Zavada

  8. Przejdź do artysty Katarzyna Stuczyńska Image of Katarzyna Stuczyńska

    Katarzyna Stuczyńska

  9. Przejdź do artysty Krzysztof Bagiński Image of Krzysztof Bagiński

    Krzysztof Bagiński

  10. Przejdź do artysty Lyra Pramuk Image of Lyra Pramuk

    Lyra Pramuk

  11. Przejdź do artysty Magda Angulska Image of Magda Angulska

    Magda Angulska

  12. Przejdź do artysty Mat Schulz Image of Mat Schulz

    Mat Schulz

  13. Przejdź do artysty Małgorzata Płysa Image of Małgorzata Płysa

    Małgorzata Płysa

  14. Przejdź do artysty Steve Goodman Image of Steve Goodman

    Steve Goodman

  15. Przejdź do artysty Wannes Cuypers Image of Wannes Cuypers

    Wannes Cuypers

  16. Przejdź do artysty Wassim Z. Alsindi PhD Image of Wassim Z. Alsindi PhD

    Wassim Z. Alsindi PhD