bushes bushes

Workshop:WORKSHOP / The Many Masks of an Agent


July 30, 2024 at 8:00 AM

In this workshop Brandon Rosenbluth, a senior booking agent at LittleBig Agency, will elaborate the various roles and relations a booking agent assumes in the current configuration of the music industry – how their work interlocks with that of artists, managers, labels, PR, and promoters – and the multiple guises they must assume in navigating between these pillars of an artists' career as well as with the artist themself. We will delve into the psychological and diplomatic aspects of the job as well as the strategic and bureaucratic ones. Participants will be given the opportunity to roleplay multiple positions under a number of hypothetical (real) situations to get a firsthand impression of the reality of being an agent in today's live music landscape.



all mentors
  1. Brandon Rosenbluth
    Image of Brandon Rosenbluth
    Brandon Rosenbluth (US)