• Unsound Lab is primarily aimed at young professionals in the music industry – people who are keen to kickstart or improve their journeys as agents, managers, event organisers, curators, self-managing artists and label owners. We are particularly interested in those whose work covers more than one of these categories. There are no age restrictions, and we welcome anyone who is eager to learn more about the intricacies of the experimental music landscape, explore its discursive frameworks, and expand their understanding of cultural production.

  • The sessions will focus on mapping and contextualising various aspects of the music industry, with particular attention given to the roles of managers, agents, label owners, and event organisers. Additionally, sessions will address topics such as mental health, digitalization, the emergence of AI, and the intersections between the music and gaming industries. Classes will be diverse in format, including lectures, workshops, and discussions with an experimental twist.Participants can also look forward to other activities, such as listening sessions, bonfires, scenic sound walks, and more. Given the diverse range of topics covered and the expectation for participants to attend all classes, we're looking for individuals with open minds and a passion for exploring various facets of the music industry.

  • Yes! While at least half of the participants accepted to Unsound Lab will be Polish, the remaining spots are open to participants from around the world, as we want this to be an international gathering. All classes will be conducted in English.

  • There are no specific prerequisites for participating in the summer school (other than being able to participate in classes conducted in English), although some proven previous experience in the field of cultural production is needed. Mentors may request participants to prepare project pitches or other materials in advance, and a short reading list may also be provided.

  • The participation fee is 1300 PLN. It includes four days of classes, accommodation for three nights and two meals a day. Please note that due to the limited availability of sleeping accommodations in Sokołowsko, participants will be assigned to shared rooms accommodating 2–4 individuals. If you find yourself in a precarious financial situation and would like to apply for a discounted price, please reach out to us via the contact email.

  • Unsound Lab will take place from July 29th to August 1st in Sokołowsko, Poland. The program will commence at 3 PM on Monday, July 29th, so participants are encouraged to arrive earlier on that day. The final classes will conclude around 3 PM on Thursday, August 1st. Nestled in the south-west region of Poland, Sokołowsko is a remote yet captivating town renowned for its historic sanatorium and vibrant artistic community. It is best accessible from the neighbouring cities of Wałbrzych and Wrocław. Detailed instructions on how to reach the venue and travel recommendations will be provided to confirmed participants. Note that the Sanitorium of Sound festival will take place in Sokołowsko the weekend after the Lab. While we are not directly involved in this event, it is organised by our partners In Situ Foundation, and we do recommend it if you have time to stay longer.

  • To apply for the summer school, simply fill out the application form available here until 9th June. Please note that we may contact a selected group of applicants for a follow-up interview. Notification of acceptance will be sent out by the end of June.

  • Yes, all venues where classes and accommodations are held will be fully accessible for persons with disabilities. We are committed to ensuring an inclusive environment for all participants. If you have any specific requirements or questions regarding accessibility, please don't hesitate to contact us via email. We will do our best to accommodate your needs and ensure your comfort during the summer school.

  • Yes! We intend to carry forward the discussions and themes explored during the summer school into Unsound Festival's free discourse program, scheduled from September 29th to October 6th in Kraków. As a participant of the summer school, you'll have early access to register for these Unsound-time events. Additionally, if you're interested in attending the full festival, we have a special allocation of passes reserved exclusively for purchase for the summer school participants.
