


29th July – 1st August 2024 Sokołowsko


  1. These Terms & Conditions set out general rules and terms and conditions of participation in the Unsound Lab Summer School 2024 (the “School”), including entry to the venues of the School and its fringe events, admission fee, the code of conduct, rights and responsibilities of School attendees, and penal provisions. The purpose of these Terms & Conditions is to ensure safety and order during the School by setting out the principles of conduct for persons attending the events and by regulating the rights and responsibilities of event attendees in connection with their admission fee payment.
  2. The School under the name UNSOUND LAB SUMMER SCHOOL 2024, taking place in Sokołowsko from 29th July to 1st August 2024, is organised by Fundacja Tone – Muzyka i Nowe Formy Sztuki, with its registered office in Kraków (postcode: 31-511), ul. Rakowicka 11, entered in the commercial register and the register of associations of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for Kraków-Śródmieście in Kraków, Division XI Commercial of the National Court Register, under number 0000297651, REGON (business identification number): 1206259220, (the “Organiser”).
  3. The Terms & Conditions apply to all attendees of events taking place as part of the School, regardless of what capacity they are acting in at the School site. Any person on site shall adhere to the provisions of these Terms & Conditions.
  4. The venues of the School events are managed by School Partners indicated in the FAQ. Each of the venues may additionally implement its own regulations of the facility, which is a document complementary to these Terms & Conditions.
  5. The Terms & Conditions were issued under laws generally applicable during the School period.


  1. Admission to the School will be granted to chosen participants based on the assessment of completed registration forms. The organisers of the School reserve the right to grant admission confirmation only to chosen applicants.
  2. The registration form will be available from 15th May 2024 to 9th June 2024.
  3. Applicants who are chosen to participate in the School will be informed by the end of June.
  4. A confirmation of attendance will only be granted upon the confirmation of payment of the admission fee.
  5. Admission will be refused to: any person apparently under the influence of alcohol or narcotic, psychotropic or other similar substances; any person carrying a weapon or other items, materials, products, drinks or substances that pose a threat to the life or health of other School attendees; any person who behaves in an aggressive, provocative or other manner causing a threat to public safety or order, and also any person in breach of these Terms & Conditions; any person without an admission confirmation or another document that entitles them to attend the event or any person who refused to show their admission confirmation or ID; any person whose behaviour may interfere with the running of the event; any person who fails or could fail to comply with the responsibilities set out in these Terms & Conditions.
  6. Attendees may be removed from the School event venue for reasons stated in section 5 above. A decision to refuse admission or remove a person from the School event is made at the discretion of the Organiser or security staff. Where a person is refused admission or removed for reasons indicated in section 4 above, the Organiser shall not be obliged to refund the admission fee.


  1. Each confirmation of admission is valid for one person only.
  2. By paying the admission fee you accept these Terms & Conditions.
  3. The admission fee is 1300 PLN and needs to be paid by the date and to the account designated by the Organiser whilst confirming participation.
  4. The organiser reserves the right to reduce the admission fee in justified cases upon receiving and accepting a suitable request.
  5. Lack of payment of the admission fee is tantamount to resignation from participation in the School.


  1. It is prohibited to enter a School event site with: weapons or other dangerous items or tools, narcotic or psychotropic drugs, explosives or pyrotechnics, toxic or radioactive substances, flammable liquids, or any other items that the Organiser may deem as posing a threat to safety, including  animals, except for assistance dogs.
  2. It is prohibited to enter a School event site and use during any event: tripods, cameras or other audio/video recording devices which can be used for professional purposes, including cameras with interchangeable lenses and cameras with lenses with a focal length longer than 100 mm.
  3. The Organiser may record School events, in particular the behaviour and images of attendees, using video and audio recording devices, and hand over the materials thus recorded to relevant law enforcement agencies in cases provided for by law. Any materials collected by recording the School which may serve as evidence sufficient to initiate criminal proceedings or bring a minor offence case, or as evidence relevant to such pending cases, shall be immediately handed over by the Organiser to the district prosecutor for the School’s location or to the Police. Any materials collected by recording the School, which do not include evidence sufficient to initiate criminal proceedings or bring a minor offence case, or evidence relevant to such pending cases, will be stored for at least one month after the end of the School, and then destroyed.
  4. The Organiser also records School events to document, promote or advertise the School, the Organiser and the School Partners. The image of those attending School events as public spaces may be recorded free-of-charge and then disseminated indefinitely for documentation, reporting, advertising and promotional purposes of the Organiser and the School Partners. School attendees give their implied consent to the processing of their personal data in the form of an image in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR).
  5. Recording or disseminating the image of School attendees does not require their consent pursuant to Article 81 par. 2 pt 2 of the Copyright and Related Rights Act of 4 February 1994 (consolidated version of 21 June 2018, Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1191). A person whose image has been recorded or disseminated may object by sending an email to lab@unsound.pl. In the event of an objection from a person whose image has been recorded or disseminated, the Organiser may discontinue the recording and dissemination of that image, unless it is in conflict with the legitimate interest of the Organiser or a School Partner. Where an image has been disseminated in breach of the law, the Organiser shall take any measures necessary to remove the image from the spaces where it has been disseminated, and the person attending the School whose image has been recorded or disseminated acknowledges that due to the protection of the legitimate interest of the Organiser or a School Partner, or due to technical conditions, it may be impossible or require a significant amount of time to remove, or discontinue the dissemination of, the image.
  6. The Organiser’s security staff, wearing badges in a visible place, are entitled to: check one’s entitlement to attend the event, and in the event of finding that they have no such entitlement – ask them to leave the School; ask a person to show their ID to establish their identity; detain anyone who poses an imminent threat to human life or health, or to the property being protected.
  7. The following behaviour is prohibited at the School site: taking action aimed at interrupting or interfering with the running of an event or disturbing other event attendees; using offensive, inappropriate language, chanting and displaying inappropriate or racist slogans, and discriminating, in particular on nationalistic, religious, social, racist, gender or sexual orientation grounds; littering the area and infrastructure of the venues where School events take place; blocking the space around the exits, entrances and escape routes of the School event sites; carrying out any gainful, advertising, promotional or charitable activity unrelated to participation in the event, not authorised by the Organiser in writing, at the School site; entering spaces not designated for School attendees; making an audio or video recording of a School event; performing activities not listed above and prohibited under applicable laws.


  1. A School attendee has the right to: enter and attend the event in accordance with applicable laws and these Terms & Conditions; obtain information, including on the School event programme, catering facilities and toilets, from the Organiser; obtain medical assistance insofar as it is related to participation in the School event.
  2. The Organiser reserves the right to cancel all or some of the events during the School for reasons not attributable to the Organiser without notice. In the event of cancelling all or some of the events during the School, an attendee may claim a refund of all or part of the price paid for the admission fee.
  3. The Organiser reserves the right to change the School programme (in particular the mentor lineup) for reasons not attributable to it.
  4. The Organiser reserves the right to determine and alter the School event programme, including the time and place of any event.
  5. Attendees must arrive at the place of the event suitably in advance.


1. The Organiser’s security staff, wearing badges in a visible place, are entitled to:

  1. issue instructions aimed at keeping order to persons who disturb public order or behave contrary to the Regulations and should such a person fail to observe these instructions to instruct them to leave the event;
  2. to use physical force in the form of incapacitating grips or similar defence techniques if a person poses a threat to the property protected by the Security Personnel or if a Security Personnel Member or another person is attacked, in compliance with the provisions of Art 38 of the Personal and Property Protection Act of 22 August 1997 (JoL no. 114, item 740, including amendments);
  3. check a person’s authorisation to be at an Event and check a person’s ID to determine Atendee’s identity.

2. The Security Personnel and Attendants are required to remove from an Event Venue any person whose behaviour disturbs public order or is inconsistent with the Terms & Conditions.


  1. Any complaints or concerns can be raised within 7 days of the end of the School in person at the Organiser’s office, by email to lab@unsound.pl or letter to the address ul. Rakowicka 11, 31-511 Kraków, Poland.
  2. The Organiser shall consider all properly made complaints within 14 business days.
  3. Pursuing any claims against the Organiser is possible once the complaints procedure is exhausted.


  1. The Organiser shall not be held liable for any force majeure events.
  2. Awarding the status of a School Partner is at the Organiser’s absolute discretion.
  3. These Terms & Conditions are available on the School’s website.
  4. The Terms & Conditions come into force on May 15, 2024.